Twitter Tips You Can Do Right Now

Twitter Tips you can start using today

by Chris McElroy

There are a lot of Twitter tips out there, but most don’t really help you stand out on Twitter. With 47 years of sales experience and 25 of those years being in lead generation and sales online, I look at social media as a tool to help you get more leads and sales. There are a lot of people that talk a good game. They tell you about branding, web presence, gaining followers, etc. Those are all important, however, the bottom line is getting leads and sales from your social media efforts.

I hope the tips I’m going to share with you below will help.

Twitter Tip 1 Getting More Click-Throughs

This Twitter tip is about the importance of click-thrus. Studies show that tweets where links appeared higher, like just after the title, have a higher click-through rate than those placed it at the end of the tweet. Many people scan headlines and don’t read down to the body of your tweet. Creating a catchy headline and adding the link just below it, before whatever else you want to write and before adding hashtags, will improve your click-thru rate from Twitter.

Twitter Tips 2 Getting Retweets

Want more retweets? Of course you do. Try these Twitter tips ….

  1. Open notepad or something you use for notes, write down the categories or topics you usually tweet about.
  2. When you go to notifications in Twitter, see who has retweeted your posts. Copy their username with the @ in front of it.
  3. Add it to your notes under one of the topics you created.
  4. When you tweet about one of those topics, add a couple of those @names in your each of your tweets.
  5. Don’t hit up the same people all of the time. But they are the people more likely to retweet. They’ve done it before, right?

Twitter Tip 3 White Space

This Twitter tip is about the use of white space. White Space. Use it. it’s advertising 101. This is a Twitter tip you should start using right away. Which draws more attention?

Your Headline (that does not have to match the title of your article) (link) #bloggingtips #blogging #analytics @you @them


Your Headline (that does not have to match the title of your article)
(Put your link here)

#bloggingtips #blogging #analytics

@you @them Please Retweet!

Plus an image here

White space draws readers eyes to your tweet and helps it stand out more. That is why you see a lot of white space in print ads. The platforms change, but advertising and sales basics don’t. Try it out.

If you need help generating more leads and sales or want to talk to us about social media marketing, click here and fill out the form for a free consultation or go ahead and schedule a 15 minute phone call.

Do you have any Twitter tips to add? Comment below!

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