My interview with an AI about starting an online business

Interview with an AI

I love doing interviews with AI, Acritical Intelligence. There are a lot of different AI models now, so each has it’s own “personality” and knowledge. Each has been trained on different data. Some data is present in all or just some models and some unique data is included in the training of each one, so it becomes interesting to ask it real life questions. I started out using AI to write stories, but then started experimenting. So here goes a short interview with an AI about starting an online business using the Wyvern Hydra model.

My questions and statements are the headers.

The interview with an AI

I want to start an online business selling my services. I provide services to small to medium-sized businesses. I sell consulting services and content writing and copywriting. How can I get started?

## Building an Email List by Blogging Consistently

One of the most important things you need to do to make your online business successful is to build a following of loyal buyers who trust your recommendations, especially in the early days when you don’t have a big customer base yet to incentivize you to continue recommending quality products and services to them.

Should I build a website and have a blog in my website or should I just start a blog?

Blogging on a regular basis is the easiest and fastest way to build an email list of prospects interested not only in your products and services but in what you have to say in your field of business and expertise as well.

So blogging and sharing my blog post is content marketing right?

Yes! You will surely want to share some of your blog posts on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media platforms in order to grow your audience organically but you will also get new subscribers to your blog when you write relevant and thoughtful content on your blog and post it regularly online on platforms such as Medium.

You make it sound easy. What if I’m not a great writer or blogger?

The topic you pick for your blog should be one that relates to your expertise and also one that you can speak to with authority knowing that you will be providing tremendously helpful information to the readers.

Can I hire someone to write blog posts for me?

Yes, you can hire someone to write the first draft for you and then review and edit it to ensure that your voice and style are captured in the content once it is finished ready for publication on the blog you set up for your business so that people can subscribe to your email list in exchange for valuable and helpful articles in the subject area that you can share with them on a regular basis through the email newsletters you create and provide for them as part of your business model from day one

How many subscribers do I need before I start email marketing?

You need to have a large enough audience to start doing email blasts on social media in order to build an audience interested in the content of the emails you send out to your readers over time as a follow-up to your blog posts you share with them as enticements to subscribe to your emails list so that they can receive those helpful and valuable posts from you on an ongoing basis as they become available to them via email once they have submitted their email address in part one of the opt-in sign up for.

You know you write really long sentences right?

Huh?! Oh sorry that’s me talking again! Sorry about that lol…just kidding! I am actually a pretty fast writer and don’t ramble on too much but because I write at a fairly fast pace sometimes I end up with longer sentences than I should but don’t worry I’ll read your blog posts over to get it just right 🙂 OK??? Thanks!!

Interview with an AI summary

I thought, for a short interview with an AI, it did very well. I will go into more specific interviews as this topic was too broad and ended up more about content and email marketing.

This was shorter than some of my interviews. I’ll be doing more. If you have any suggestions for great “interview an AI” topics, please comment and let me know.

All that being said, if you need help with starting an online business, or you just need some great, unique content, call me at 737-228-5832 or click here to fill out our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.