pro blogger

Unique Blog Content vs Original Content vs AI Content

Writing blog content is about more than just SEO and sharing posts on social media and hoping for the best. That was okay in the early 2000’s but not today. There is approximately 4 million blog posts being written every day. However, the vast majority of those blog posts are just rehashing other people’s content, aggregating other content, making lists,…

Content Writers in Austin

SEO Copywriter

What is an SEO Copywriter? First let’s talk about the difference between copywriting and SEO content writing. There shouldn’t be a difference. All of your content should be optimized for both SEO and for better conversion rates. A good copywriter should be good at creating content that is also optimized for search engines. A good SEO content writer should also…

ai interview wordpress

My Interview With AI About WordPress

  This is an update to My Interview With AI About WordPress, the 4th installment in a series of interviews I did allowing artificial intelligence to answer questions. I’m updating this to re-ask all the questions to Chat-GPT40 rather than 3.5 that I used at first. I inserted some links for more info. No questions or answers have been edited.…

Interview with an AI

My interview with an AI about starting an online business

I love doing interviews with AI, Acritical Intelligence. There are a lot of different AI models now, so each has it’s own “personality” and knowledge. Each has been trained on different data. Some data is present in all or just some models and some unique data is included in the training of each one, so it becomes interesting to ask…

Web design and marketing

Website Design and Marketing – Which Comes First?

Things have changed. Years ago companies spent most of their budget on their website, leaving very little for marketing and advertising. Some are still making this mistake today. Website design and development are still important to many businesses. However, these days, a lot of companies or entrepreneurs are making a lot of money without any website at all or with…