online SEO and content marketing training

With more than 25 years of online marketing experience, SEO & as a content writer, I provide one-on-one or group training on a multitude of topics to help you learn how to do it yourself. Click the image to use the form to contact us or call 512-789-2249

Would you like to do some of the things you need to do yourself or in-house? We offer online training one-on-one or for groups. We don’t use recorded video. The online training we offer is specific to your online marketing campaign and it’s interactive so you can ask all the questions you want. Schedule a free 15 minute call to go over what kind of training you want.

My name is Chris McElroy and I’ve been doing this for a lot of years. I have the expertise to train you and I make it simple to learn. Below you will see a list of training sessions. I’ve cut them down in size so I can keep training sessions under and hour. Call me directly at 737-228-5832 or use the form at the bottom of this page to ask any questions you may have.

  • Blogging Like a Pro (Includes how to format blog posts, how to make them more interactive, adding images and more.)
  • Conversion Optimization Online Training (Includes actionable tips as we both view your website.)
  • Landing Page Development (How to Build a Great Landing Page that converts leads into sales.)
  • Lead Generation Online Training
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising Training – How to create and manage a great campaign and create great ads.
  • SEO Basics for Beginners
  • SEO (Advanced Technical SEO)
  • SEO On-Page Optimization Training
  • SEO Off-Page Optimization Training
  • SEO Training (Local Geo-Targeted SEO)
  • Social Media Profiles and Company Pages
  • Social Media Posting, building followers, commenting, social selling, and utilizing all the tools available to you on each platform.
  • LinkedIn Online Training (Includes how to use your profile as a landing page and how to get more people to view that profile, and Using Sales Navigator.)
  • WordPress Development (Includes Basic Installation, how to add and activate plugins and choosing the right theme to fit your needs.)
  • WordPress Customization (You choose the theme, then I go over all of the options you can use to get the look and feel you want.)
  • WordPress Training Pages & SEO (Includes creating new pages, adding images, and more. We advise the use of the All in One SEO or Yoast plugin)
  • WordPress Categories, Tags, Featured Images, Building Forms & more.
  • WordPress Security & Backups.
  • WordPress – How to manage users and subscribers, how to reduce spam and more.

If what you want to learn is not in the list, Schedule a free 15 minute consultation and tell me what you want to learn and if I can’t teach it to you, I’ll get someone who can.

The ability for you or staff members to do some things in-house gives you an advantage and saves you money. Even if you don’t plan to do it yourself, the knowledge gained will help you when hiring people or agencies to do work for you. You will know the right questions to ask and how to analyze their performance.

Don’t know exactly what type of training you want or need? Don’t see what you want to learn listed there? Call 737-228-5832 or use the form below to contact us.


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